🤘 Black Friday también para empresas.
Black Friday para empresas🔥 Opta a trabajar en empresas como PcComponentes y muchas que ya confian en nosotros con la ayuda a Codely
9 out of 10 developers believe that Codely teaches and entertains 🤓
The positive side of Codely: I have improved technical skills such as hexagonal architecture and it even helped me change jobs and get out of my comfort zone. The negative side: I have a lot of work to do.
I'm freaking out about the CSS courses, I really love them. Now I spend my nights removing Bootstrap.
I've been doing this for almost 14 years and I'm amazed at the amount of knowledge I'm still missing. Your courses help me to take it on board.
If I owned a company with a development team, I would definitely pay each employee a Codely subscription. I can't think of a better way to make them better professionals.
Guess who's going to make their blog have a light and dark theme thanks to @CodelyTV's course? I've learned so many things!!!
One of the preferred options of all Uptodown backends to spend part of their training budget is CodelyTV Pro, which fits perfectly into our stack.