Course of CQRS and Event Sourcing with Kotlin and Axon Framework

Jordi LlonchRamon Aranda

By Jordi Llonch y Ramon Aranda Software Design and Architecture y Backend

We will learn what Event Sourcing is and how it complements the CQRS architecture. The practical part of the course will consist of developing a shopping cart for an ecommerce using Kotlin and the Axon framework.

💸 First lesson available without registration! 💸

In projects where we decide to use DDD and events to notify business occurrences to the various components of the application, an Event Sourcing based approach for persistence becomes natural.

During the course, we will delve into design concepts that will help us create simple solutions to business functionalities.
To do this, we will implement a shopping cart as an example using the Kotlin programming language and the Axon framework as an implementation of CQRS and Event Sourcing.

The course does not intend to explain CQRS in depth, although a brief overview will be offered. We recommend taking or reviewing the existing CQRS course on the platform although it is not strictly necessary.

Here is the course summary so you can get an idea of the quality and content 😬

And finally, you also have the introduction video to CQRS and Event Sourcing that we streamed at the time of the publication of this course:

Videos of the course

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