Is knowing how to listen to your tests a sixth sense? We're facing a phenomenon worthy of #NaveMisterioCodelyTV and in this video we will question the concept of "tests that speak." We will see what this concept is based on and how we can apply it ourselves :) Specifically, we will look at what could be a typical controller of the Symfony2 framework. What impact does coupling with Doctrine have at the testing level? Nevertheless, it is applicable to other programming languages and scenarios.
Related Material
- SOLID – Dependency Inversion Principle
- SOLID – Single Responsibility Principle SRP and Interface Segregation Principle ISP
- Design how your objects talk through mocking (slides from the video)
- Design How Your Objects Talk Through Mocking at Laracon EU 2014 (talk from the slides)
Errata: The slides mentioned in the video are by Konstantin Kudryashov. Creator of Behat, Mink, phpspec2