In today's video, we will take a quick look at how CodelyTV has evolved since it started, and we'll see what awaits us for the second season :D As a quick recap, in this first season we have done 3 interviews with programmers and 19 screencasts on development. We have touched on topics ranging from introducing Code Smells and Refactorings to how to test coupled code, including the series of videos on SOLID principles. As improvements, we have seen the evolution of video thumbnails to a format that I am more comfortable with (just look at the list of videos on the channel):

On the other hand, we also have a new logo created by Sandra Castro. Here are some of the first tests:

And here are other color combinations of the new logo:

I would also like to highlight that today an interview I did with Antonio Leiva from DevExperto is being published. I recommend checking out the blog as it has well-crafted material like this post about design patterns
And now, without further ado, I leave you with the video in question :D