Course of Your First HTTP API with Scala

Javier FerrerRafa Gómez

By Javier Ferrer y Rafa Gómez Backend

Having completed the first introductory course on Scala, we can now get into the subject and develop our first HTTP API with Scala, Akka, database, and much more.

💸 First lesson available without registration!

If you have already taken the introduction to Scala course, put all that knowledge into practice with this course!

In this course we will build an HTTP API in Scala from scratch. Despite creating an example API, we will integrate all the concepts that we have to face in our day-to-day context.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a Scala project from scratch
  • Start an Akka HTTP server
  • Parse JSON from requests and responses with Spray-JSON
  • Modularize your application to allow high maintainability over time
  • Define our testing strategy with ScalaTest and AkkaHttpTestkit that covers both unit tests, integration, and acceptance.
  • Integrate a MySQL database to persist the application state using Doobie
  • Set up your development environment with Docker to run integration tests
  • Publish events to a RabbitMQ queue
  • Configure the logging system with Logback and fine-tune it so we never have to worry again
  • Package and deploy your application
  • Once you finish this course, we recommend the following course where we refactor this same API you will develop towards a more functional approach using TypeClasses.

Here is the course trailer so you can get an idea of the quality of the content 😬

Videos of the course

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