Early Access Apache Spark Courses
3 courses in total! 🚀
With a TOP teacher
<Christian Herrera>
💽 Experience
More than a decade working on high-volume Big Data projects
🔝 Recognized companies
Experience working with data in companies such as Adevinta or IBM
⭐ Spark
+8 years working with large volumes of data in production

⭐ Spark for developers
Apache Spark has become the essential tool for working with large volumes of data efficiently.
In this course you will learn the basics and advanced techniques to transform your data into strategic and actionable information. We will see:
- 🌋 Discover Apache Spark: Learn the basics and potential of Spark for strategic decision making.
- 🏗️ Process E-commerce events: Master filters, transformations, and aggregations to analyze domain data.
- 🌆 Build a Data Lakehouse: Bring together the best of Data Warehousing and Data Lakes to flexibly store and query data.
- 🌟 Real-time processing with Spark Streaming: Analyze live events to gain instant insights.
This course is ideal for developers who want to integrate Spark into their workflow and get the most out of this powerful Big Data tool.
🐰 Spark: Integration with Kafka, RabbitMQ and AWS SQS
The true power of Spark is unlocked when you can integrate it with different messaging systems to process data in real time.
In this course, you will learn how to connect Spark with the most popular tools in the ecosystem: Kafka, RabbitMQ, and AWS SQS. We will see:
- 🚀 Kafka and Spark: Learn how to integrate Kafka with Spark to handle real-time events with a production-ready configuration.
- 🏗️ AWS SQS and Spark: Learn how to use Spark to process data from AWS SQS, an ideal solution for serverless architectures.
- 🐰 RabbitMQ and Spark: Master RabbitMQ integration and build robust, scalable data pipelines on distributed architectures.
This course is perfect for developers who want to make the leap to real-time data processing by integrating Spark with messaging services.

🚀 Spark: Best practices and deployment
The real challenge when working with Spark is not just writing functional code, but doing so in an efficient, tested, and production-ready manner.
In this course, you will learn how to apply best practices in Spark development, testing, and deployment. We will cover:
- 💨 Query Optimization: Understand the inner workings of Spark and how to apply techniques to improve the efficiency of your queries.
- 🌩️ Performance analysis with Grafana: Monitor and optimize the performance of your applications.
- 🚀 Tests + Deployment to Production: Master the steps required to take a Spark cluster from development to production.
This course is ideal for developers looking to professionalize their use of Spark, ensuring efficient, maintainable, and production-ready solutions.
Early Access
€199 for the 3-course pack
Get these 3 courses and access them while they are online regardless of the status of your Codely Pro subscription.
Master Apache Spark and take your Big Data skills to the next level.
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- You have the 3 courses 100% available now and you can start taking them without waiting any longer.
- Access to the courses is not linked to your subscription. That is, unlike the platform's courses, which you have access to as long as you have an active subscription, if you buy courses in advance, you can access them as long as they are online regardless of the status of your subscription.