General conditions
These General Conditions regulate the acquisition of the services offered on the website owned by CODELY ENSEÑA Y ENTRETIENE, S.L. (hereinafter, CODELY).
The acquisition of any of the services entails the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions indicated, without prejudice to the acceptance of the Specific Conditions that may be applicable when acquiring certain services.
These General Conditions may be modified without prior notice, therefore, it is advisable to read their content carefully before proceeding to purchase any of the services offered.
CODELY, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, informs you that:
Its corporate name is: CODELY TEACHES AND ENTERTAINS, S.L.
Its commercial name is: CODELY
Your CIF is: B67560615
Its registered office is located at: C/ del Rosselló 104, entresuelo 1a, 08029 BARCELONA (SPAIN).
It is registered in the Commercial Registry of BARCELONA: Volume 47251, Folio 204, Sheet B 546133.
To communicate with us, we offer you different means of contact that we detail below:
Postal address: C/ Rosellón 104, entresuelo 1a, 08029 BARCELONA
All notifications and communications between users and CODELY will be considered effective, for all purposes, when made through any of the means detailed above.
CODELY provides training services for programmers through subscriptions to its catalogue of online courses. Clients are individuals and companies.
The courses offered, along with their main features, will be described on the website and can be accessed through a subscription to the service, with the price appearing on the screen.
CODELY reserves the right to decide, at any time, the services offered to Clients. Thus, CODELY may, at any time, add new services to those currently offered. Likewise, CODELY reserves the right to withdraw or stop offering, at any time and without prior notice, any of the services offered.
All of this without prejudice to the fact that the acquisition of the services can only be done through the subscription or registration of the USER, with CODELY granting the interested party a User name and a password, which will personally identify and enable them to have access to the services.
Once inside, and to access the contracting of services, the User must follow all the instructions indicated in the purchasing process, which will entail reading and accepting all the general and specific conditions set out in
CODELY aims to ensure the availability of all courses offered.
The Client has access to all published courses through a monthly or annual subscription. For companies, the subscription is only annual by registering in the Codely company accounts. Once the access credentials are obtained, all available courses can be accessed.
Access keys to courses are personal and non-transferable, and cannot be shared with other users.
Companies must open one account per employee; opening a single account to be shared by multiple employees is not permitted.
CODELY is not responsible for any damages or losses that may occur to the USER as a result of failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks and which cause suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service during the provision of the same.
In order to protect the Intellectual Property of CODELY's content, downloading or copying the courses is prohibited. For more information on the conditions of use of the website, please consult the Legal Notice.
To make any purchase at, the customer must be of legal age.
In addition, the client will need to register at using a data collection form in which the necessary information for the contract is provided to CODELY; data that in any case will be true, accurate and complete regarding the client's identity and which the client must expressly consent to by accepting CODELY's privacy policy.
The steps to follow to subscribe are:
- For Private Clients
1. Go to “Subscribe now”.
2. Create your account: fill out the data collection form. Accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service.
3. Confirm your purchase and make the payment.
As soon as you receive confirmation from CODELY, you will be given access to the courses.
It is recommended that the customer print and/or save a copy of the terms of sale on a durable medium when placing their order, as well as the receipt of receipt sent by CODELY by email.
- For Businesses
1. Go to “Companies”
2. Fill out the information request form.
3. Once CODELY receives the request, you are invited to enter the subscription page to select the number of accounts to purchase.
4. Confirm purchase and make payment. You will receive the purchased licenses by email.
5. You must give 1 discount code received to each employee who is going to enjoy Codely courses, and to do so, each employee with a code must start the purchase process as a user by clicking on “Subscribe” and adding the discount code in the relevant section. By completing the purchase process with this code, you can now start enjoying the contents of the platform.
The Client (company and individual) can request the invoice by email or through the website chat and it will be sent to them by email in PDF format.
Individuals: the subscription remains valid as long as the Client does not cancel. To cancel the subscription, go to the “Billing” section and cancel. The current month can be terminated and the following month will not be charged.
Companies: the subscription is annual and automatically renewable for the same period, unless cancellation is requested at least 15 days prior to the end of the term.
To request cancellation, send an email to CODELY.
Automatic renewal is for the same number of licenses contracted and for the same price, unless CODELY has communicated a price change.
Once the subscription is activated, you can access the courses.
As this is an online service, there is no geographical area limitation for accessing it.
The prices of the services listed on will be expressed in Euros unless otherwise stated and will be guaranteed for the period of validity of the same, except for printing errors.
The final prices of all services, along with their features, offers, discounts, etc. are reflected in each of the services offered at
Services include taxes, both for individuals and companies.
The prices of the services may vary at any time. In this case, the price to be applied will be the one in effect on the date the order is placed. In any case, the final cost will be communicated to the customer during the electronic purchasing process before the latter formalizes his acceptance.
We offer you the following payment methods:
a. By credit or debit card
You can make the payment immediately through our Bank's secure SSL payment gateway. If any return or cancellation of the order is necessary, the amount will be refunded through the same payment card. The monthly subscription charge is made by CODELY on the same card provided by the Customer.
b. By bank transfer. This option is valid only for companies and for more than 10 contracted licenses. If you request this payment method, we will provide you with the account number by email.
None of the payment methods entail additional charges.
According to the regulations, the consumer and user will have the right to WITHDRAW from the contract during a maximum period of 14 calendar days without having to indicate the reason and without incurring any costs, except those provided for in art. 107.2 and 108 of RD1/2007, of November 16, which approves the aforementioned text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.
This right of withdrawal is not applicable to the services provided by CODELY as they are covered by the exception established in letter m) of Article 103 of the aforementioned Law:
The supply of digital content that is not provided on a physical medium when performance has begun.
According to the regulations, the consumer and user will have the right to WITHDRAW from the contract during a maximum period of 14 calendar days without having to indicate the reason and without incurring any costs, except those provided for in art. 107.2 and 108 of RD1/2007, of November 16, which approves the aforementioned text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.
This right of withdrawal is not applicable to the services provided by CODELY as they are covered by the exception established in letter m) of Article 103 of the aforementioned Law:
The Client will be responsible for completing the entire course, following the guidelines provided.
Accounts are personal and non-transferable to other users.
Purchasing an account and sharing its access among multiple people is not permitted.
Content may not be shared or copied to be stored or distributed on other websites outside the platform.
Any illegal activity on the website or any activity that contravenes the provisions of our Legal Notice and these Conditions will result in the immediate cancellation of the account, with the consequent denial of access to the platform, without prejudice to CODELY taking any action it deems appropriate.
CODELY may suspend, withdraw or cancel all or part of the contracted services at any time and without prior notice. The above provision will not affect those services that are reserved for registered users or that are subject to prior contracting and that will be governed by their specific conditions.
To file any complaint or claim with CODELY, the client must contact the support service through the email address
Pursuant to the EU Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers and in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, we inform you that the European Commission provides all consumers with an online dispute resolution platform which is available at the following link: http: //
The present conditions will be governed by current Spanish legislation.
The language used will be Spanish
You can download the forms from the following links: