Today we bring you the interview with Marc Morera, Symfony Evangelist and recently new entrepreneur. Marc explains to us all the turning points of his (although it may not seem like it, not so long) work life.
In the interview, we cover various topics, but one of the most interesting things Marc mentions is his entire involvement in the Open Source world. He not only tells us what it is, but also how to collaborate in it and how he managed to set up a business model around it. We recorded this interview some time ago, but due to logistical issues, it took us quite a while to edit and upload it... Forgive us, Marc 🤗
Interview Breakdown
Here we leave you the minute-by-minute breakdown of the interview so you can jump to the part that interests you the most. We have also added some quotes from each section so you can get an idea of the content :)
1:00 Turning points in his professional career
- "I haven't been the typical IT person who was at home with the computer at the age of 13, basically because I didn't have a computer"
- "At Ulabox, I started working with a team with good practices"
- "Thanks to Ricard Clau and Albert Casademont, I do Symfony today"
- "With 3 months of experience in PHP, I made a framework"
10:08 Open Source / Elcodi
- "Giving back to the community what it has taught you"
- "For me, it has been the high point of my professional career"
- "The culture of Open Source is a bit rough at times"
- "Rajoy is a big supporter of Open Source"
17:14 Job search
- "I see the job market in the sector saturated in certain segments"
- "I have the feeling that the more experience you have, the harder it is to find a place that motivates you"
- "When I go to a conference, I really appreciate seeing the speaker explain basic things"
22:30 SymfonyCat
- "Trying to be as inclusive as possible"
- "You probably learn more by doing the career than by studying"
27:45 Community
- "We are many, and thanks to that, we can afford the luxury of doing big conferences"
- "We are growing as a community"
34:46 Sector
- "Sometimes I have come to attack these things (tdd, ddd) out of pure envy"
- "I don't think I'm a reference in anything, another thing is that I've been saying silly things online for a while and people read me"