Interviews with developers and videos about programming best practices and Software Architecture

How to Listen to Your Tests #NaveMisterioCodelyTV
November 12, 2015

Explaining Refactorings in an Educational Way - QWAN Cards
November 5, 2015

Real Case of Software Design Reassessment - #SCBCN15
October 29, 2015

What are Code Smells and Refactoring
October 22, 2015

Automatic Code Generation with IntelliJ and PhpStorm
October 15, 2015

Software Craftsmanship Barcelona 2015
October 8, 2015

Why NOT to use getters and setters | Tell don't ask
October 1, 2015

Interview with Pablo Ros | Web Developer at Softonic and Uvinum
September 24, 2015

SOLID - Dependency Inversion Principle
September 10, 2015

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